We’ve just posted the latest version of Attensa for Outlook, version .99. Download it here.
We’ve integrated an incredibly easy way to tag articles and feeds using the Attensa Toolbar forInternet Explorer. Tags are simply keywords you add to add context to RSS
feeds, articles, Web pages, blog posts, photos, even music you discover online.
The new tagging feature can be used in Attensa to keep feeds and articles organized but it also works with Del.icio.us. Del.icio.us is a great way to keep track of
anything that captures you attention on the Web and to share those things with
people with similar interests. When you set up your bookmark page on Del.icio.us,
not only can you see the pages you’ve you tagged, you can also see related
articles from other people who tagged the same pages or used the same tags as
you have. Since every Del.icio.us page has an RSS feed, you can also subscribe to
feeds based on a given subject, user, URL, or tag. It’s a pure attention stream
that you can explore.
You can add tags to articles and access them using a pull down list using the Attensa Toolbar for Internet Explorer. When you tag articles with Attensa your bookmark list on Del.icio.us is updated and synchronized automatically. With the addition of tagging, Attensa gives you a set of tools for organizing your feeds and articles. Categories let you create a hierarchal structure using folders to keep feeds organized. Tags give you a more free form tool for keeping articles organized and they connect you with the del.icio.us social network.
Here's a screenshot of the new tagging tool. This is how you add tags:
This is how you can see your tagged items in IE:
Now you can publish to multiple blogs using TypePad, Blogger and LiveJournal.
We’ve made major changes to the Attensa engine to improve
performance and efficiency. We’ve added a throttle to the General
Settings that will let you control how much of your CPU processing you
are willing to allocate to Attensa when it is updating feeds. You can
allocate as little as 10 percent to as much as 60 percent.
We’ve also given you control over how Attensa interacts with Outlook. There’s a throttle control in the Outlook Default settings that you can use to adjust how much of Outlook processing is devoted to importing your feeds into folders versus using processing power for sending and receiving email, creating new email, updating calendars and other typical Outlook activities. Play with the throttle until you find the right balance for your work style. We think you’ll see a big improvement in Outlook responsiveness and stability. For our internal testing we consistently ran with 400 feeds in our test OPML file. Thanks to Marc Orchant and Mike Gunderloy for sending us their OPML files. We also fixed a major memory leak in the Attensa engine.
You’ll also notice we’ve changed our look and feel. Frankly the orange
and black was a tad halloweenie and the longer we lived with it the
less we liked it. (a definite case of more was less). So here’s a new logo and new look. Hope you find it more pleasant to look at. We do.
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