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Alex Dybenko

Great Scott, Looks like engine CPU usage is a useful feature. Also suggest an option to get it to offline mode, could be useful while connection via GPRS

Neil Cockerham

It gets better every update - any chance that you'll have the option to pick up dates, etc from the local computer or Outlook timezone for v1.0. I'm based in the UK and used to today's date displayed 24/9/05 but I alsways get feeds in US date format




Not more biology, and their purses. Illogically


Hello Im PM'ing you in the hope that you visit my video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iS7I1cBi4Kk, as I was told you would be able to help me with it.

Amber Kelps

Hello everyone...looking forward to using this site!

AJRiches Scam?

A good friend questioned all of us if http://www.ajrichies.com is a SCAM? I told them that all they did was try to upsell me on batteries, cases, lenses, and when I would not upgrade, they refused to sell the camera to me. They wanted $130 more just for "Handling".

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