"Up and Coming Readers"
Attensa, a Portland-based company, offers a reader that has a very professional and clean interface. While lacking many features the rest of the pack has, it pulls feeds up very quickly. In talking with Matthew Bookspan, Attensas Director of Product, I learned Attensa will be launching a new and improved version of the web-based reader that should fare better on the comparison chart. Additionally, Attensa will soon offer a mobile-enabled view of its reader, rendering nicely in handheld devices or cell phones.
We walked a little taller when we saw Attensa Online's overall rating a 3.5 out of a possible 5 - ahead of stalwart industry players: Newsgator, Pluck and Bloglines.
Just when we were approaching cocky, Attensa Online crashed as if on cue to remind us that recognition is a double-edged sword.
Here's what we are doing about it.
First, please accept our apologies for the interruption in service and availability of Attensa Online.
We are significantly increasing capacity to keep up with growth. Last week we installed new hardware that will quadruple our storage space.
We are updating and rebuilding user subscription files so you wont lose your subscriptions and articles.
The Attensa Online team is working diligently to get Attensa Online up and running and improve the system for the long haul.
We appreciate your support and your patience while we work to make Attensa Online deliver the performance you expect and the user experience you deserve.
We will keep you apprised of the status of Attensa Online as we move forward.